The National Park of Gabal Elba
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Parque Nacional de Gabal Elba

Gabal Elba

Gabal Elba lies 250 km south of Marsa Alam. The main coastal road runs through the national park. It is 1300 km from Cairo. It is located in the southeast part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt on the border between Egypt and Sudan in the Red Sea Province . Visitors need to get permission to visit it. So, Gabal Elba means Mount Elba in Arabic. This area is unique as part of the Saharan region, having an unusually high rainfall and it can get up to 400 mm of precipitation a year. The Nature Reserve of Gabal Elba occupies an area of 35600 km 2 in a series of natural parks. Above all, the natural reserve of Gabal Elba contains the following environmental types:

• Manglares y bosques costeros en franjas costeras.

• Áreas limitadas de dunas costeras crecen en ellas como malas hierbas.

• Coastal salt strip coastal “coastAl-sabkhat”.

Formation of Mountain

Geology: The mountains in the park were formed approximately 550 million years ago from hot magma which forced its way up through the earth’s surface.

Basically, the common Mammals in the National Park include: The Barbary sheep, a species of caproid (or goat-antelope). Also, the Aardwolf, a member of the hyena family and it looks like a small hyena with pointy ears and a bushy tail but without the sharp teeth and strong jaws, The Genet, which is related to the Mongoose and more distantly to cats. The Striped Polecat, or Zoril, a member of the weasel family and looking similar to the North American Skunk, The Egyptian leopard last heard and tracked in the Gebel Elba National Park in 1994 but not seen. The Rock Hyrax (wabar in Arabic ), definitely the cutest looking of all the Parks’ animals. 

Birds of Prey: The Gebel Elba National Park is home to four species that are now rare in other parts of Egipto. Generally, these include – The Gypaetus Barbatus or Bearded Vulture. The Egyptian vulture. In addition Verreaux’s Eagle, sometimes known as the Black Eagle. Bonelli’s Eagle, a medium sized eagle.

As for the Vegetation: Mangrove swamps and salt marshes fringe much of the coastline which is otherwise fairly arid although the occasional acacia tree and Balanites Aegyptiaca can be spotted.  Following, higher up, nearer the summit, you should be able to spot the strange looking Maringa (or Ben) tree.

• Islas del Mar Rojo y manglares costeros.

zona de Al-Abraq.

zona de Al-Daeib.

Bandeja de montaje.